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Sunrise Propane Explosion Class Action 

On August 10th, 2008 a series of explosions occurred at the Sunrise Propane plant in North York, Ontario causing extensive property damage, personal injuries and the evacuation of approximately 12,000 residents. Charney is a member of the class counsel steering committee. 


The site is not designed to answer questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as a substitute for individual legal advice.

The information collected about potential class members will assist counsel in prosecuting the class action and assessing what damages were suffered by the class as a whole. Providing the information requested does not make you the client of Charney Lawyers. The court will ultimately decide who will be included as a class member.

This website will be updated from time to time to provide potential class members with information as it becomes available.